Willing to Forgive
None of us always does exactly what we should do all of the time. Unfortunately there are times when we actually do the exact opposite of what we should do, whether intentionally or unintentionally.
The temptation is to deny responsibility for our actions, but God teaches us the importance of taking responsibility for what we have done, confessing our sin, and asking for forgiveness.
When we confess our sin to God and to each other we are blessed with a cleansing and refreshing that is not experienced any other way.
We should live with a willingness to confess our mistakes whether they are sins or not and live with a willingness to forgive those who offend us in some way.
-André K. Dugger, Dear God
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Thank you Dearly Lord Jesus
Wow!!Glory to God..His ways is higher than our ways,His thoughts is higher than our thoughts. Words is not enough to thank you dear Lord for those amazing things that you've done to me today & everyday,during the day that I am weak you make me strong,during the time that I felt down and nobody to lift me up you're hands are there reaching me out to raise me up. In times of my trouble your are my rock and my strong tower that never be shaken. In times that someone judge me you are my judge and my defender. In times of my hunger & thirst you're words & promises are more than enough to fill the emptiness in my soul.and when I'm sinning your Holy Spirit tap my shoulder and reminded me to stop. Dearly Lord truely you are alive and want to tell you from the deepest part of my heart that I am yours and I love you forever more....
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sign of Maturity
Let me share to you this article written by a renown leader. I believe we can glean very important and pivotal lessons which are beneficial to us as we continue to lead people. Maturity is non-elective in serving and leading people. Everyday, we face situations that poses as a challenge to our maturity, especially in the area of our spirituality and in dealing with people. Let us learn together from Tim.
You may have noticed a paradox that exists among students today. Although there are exceptions to the rule, this generation of kids is advanced intellectually, but behind emotionally.
From an intellectual perspective, students today have been exposed to so much more than I was growing up—and far sooner, too. They’ve consumed information on everything from cyberspace to sexual techniques before they graduate from Middle School. Everything is coming at them sooner. Sociology professor Tony Campolo said, “I am convinced we don’t live in a generation of bad kids. We live in a generation of kids who know too much too soon.”
On the other hand, students have been stunted in their emotional maturity. They seem to require more time to actually “grow up” and prepare for the responsibility that comes with adulthood. This is a result of many factors, not the least of which is well-intentioned parents who hover over their kids not allowing them to experience the pain of maturation. It’s like the child who tries to help the new butterfly break out of the cocoon, and realizes later that they have done a disservice to that butterfly. The butterfly is not strong enough to fly once it is free.
There is another reason, however, that teens struggle with maturation. Scientists are gaining new insights into remarkable changes in teenagers’ brains that may explain why the teen years are so hard on young people and their parents. From ages 11-14, kids lose some of the connections between cells in the part of their brain that enables them to think clearly and make good decisions.
Pruning the Brain
What happens is that the brain is pruning itself—going through changes that will allow a young person to move into adult life effectively. “Ineffective or weak brain connections are pruned in much the same way a gardener would prune a tree or bush, giving the plant a desired shape,” says Alison Gopnik, Professor of Child Development at UC Berkley. Adolescents who are experiencing these brain changes can react emotionally, according to Ian Campbell, a neurologist at the U.C. Davis Sleep Research Laboratory. Mood swings, uncooperative and irresponsible attitudes can all be the result of these changes occurring. Sometimes, students can’t explain why they feel the way they do. Their brain is changing from a child brain to an adult brain. Regions that specialize in language, for example, grow rapidly until about age 13 and then stop. The frontal lobes of the brain which are responsible for high level reasoning and decision making aren’t fully mature until the early 20s, according to Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, a neuroscientist at Harvard’s Brain Imaging Center. There’s a portion of time when the child part of the brain has been pruned, but the adult portion is not fully formed. They are “in-between.” They are informed but not prepared.
The bottom line? Students today are consuming information they aren’t completely ready to handle. The adult part of their brain is still forming and isn’t ready to apply all that our society throws at it. Their mind takes it in and files it, but their will and emotions are not prepared to act on it in a healthy way. They can become paralyzed by all the content they consume. They want so much to be able to experience the world they’ve seen on websites or heard on podcasts, but don’t realize they are unprepared for that experience emotionally. They are truly in between a child and an adult. (This is the genius behind movie ratings and viewer discretion advisories on TV). I believe a healthy, mature student is one who has developed intellectually, volitionally, emotionally and spiritually. I also believe there are marks we can look for, as we coach them into maturity.
Signs to Look For
So what are the marks of maturity? We all love it when we see a young person who carries themselves well and shows signs of being mature. They interact with adults in an adult manner. Those kinds of students are downright refreshing. Let me give you a list of what I consider to be the marks of maturity. At “Growing Leaders” we seek to build these marks in young people, ages 16-24 as we partner with schools. This certainly isn’t an exhaustive list, but it is a list of characteristics I notice in young people who are unusually mature, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. If you are a parent—this is a good list of qualities to begin developing in your child. If you are a coach, or a teacher or a dean, these are the signs we wish every student possessed when they graduate. For that matter, these are signs I wish every adult modeled for the generation coming behind them.
1. They are able to keep long-term commitments.
One key signal of maturity is the ability to delay gratification. Part of this means a student is able to keep commitments even when they are no longer new or novel. They can commit to continue doing what is right even when they don’t feel like it.
2. They are unshaken by flattery or criticism.
As people mature, they sooner or later understand that nothing is as good as it seems and nothing is as bad as it seems. Mature people can receive compliments or criticism without letting it ruin them or sway them into a distorted view of themselves. They are secure in their identity.
3. They possess a spirit of humility.
Humility parallels maturity. Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself. It is thinking of yourself less. Mature people aren’t consumed with drawing attention to themselves. They see how others have contributed to their success and can even sincerely give honor to their Creator who gave them the talent. This is the opposite of arrogance.
4. Their decisions are based on character not feelings.
Mature people—students or adults—live by values. They have principles that guide their decisions. They are able to progress beyond merely reacting to life’s options, and be proactive as they live their life. Their character is master over their emotions.
5. They express gratitude consistently.
I have found the more I mature, the more grateful I am, for both big and little things. Immature children presume they deserve everything good that happens to them. Mature people see the big picture and realize how good they have it, compared to most of the world’s population.
6. They prioritize others before themselves.
A wise man once said: A mature person is one whose agenda revolves around others, not self. Certainly this can go to an extreme and be unhealthy, but I believe a pathway out of childishness is getting past your own desires and beginning to live to meet the needs of others less fortunate.
7. They seek wisdom before acting.
Finally, a mature person is teachable. They don’t presume they have all the answers. The wiser they get the more they realize they need more wisdom. They’re not ashamed of seeking counsel from adults (teachers, parents, coaches) or from God, in prayer. Only the wise seek wisdom.
Based on this list, are you mature?
---Tim Elmore
You may have noticed a paradox that exists among students today. Although there are exceptions to the rule, this generation of kids is advanced intellectually, but behind emotionally.
From an intellectual perspective, students today have been exposed to so much more than I was growing up—and far sooner, too. They’ve consumed information on everything from cyberspace to sexual techniques before they graduate from Middle School. Everything is coming at them sooner. Sociology professor Tony Campolo said, “I am convinced we don’t live in a generation of bad kids. We live in a generation of kids who know too much too soon.”
On the other hand, students have been stunted in their emotional maturity. They seem to require more time to actually “grow up” and prepare for the responsibility that comes with adulthood. This is a result of many factors, not the least of which is well-intentioned parents who hover over their kids not allowing them to experience the pain of maturation. It’s like the child who tries to help the new butterfly break out of the cocoon, and realizes later that they have done a disservice to that butterfly. The butterfly is not strong enough to fly once it is free.
There is another reason, however, that teens struggle with maturation. Scientists are gaining new insights into remarkable changes in teenagers’ brains that may explain why the teen years are so hard on young people and their parents. From ages 11-14, kids lose some of the connections between cells in the part of their brain that enables them to think clearly and make good decisions.
Pruning the Brain
What happens is that the brain is pruning itself—going through changes that will allow a young person to move into adult life effectively. “Ineffective or weak brain connections are pruned in much the same way a gardener would prune a tree or bush, giving the plant a desired shape,” says Alison Gopnik, Professor of Child Development at UC Berkley. Adolescents who are experiencing these brain changes can react emotionally, according to Ian Campbell, a neurologist at the U.C. Davis Sleep Research Laboratory. Mood swings, uncooperative and irresponsible attitudes can all be the result of these changes occurring. Sometimes, students can’t explain why they feel the way they do. Their brain is changing from a child brain to an adult brain. Regions that specialize in language, for example, grow rapidly until about age 13 and then stop. The frontal lobes of the brain which are responsible for high level reasoning and decision making aren’t fully mature until the early 20s, according to Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, a neuroscientist at Harvard’s Brain Imaging Center. There’s a portion of time when the child part of the brain has been pruned, but the adult portion is not fully formed. They are “in-between.” They are informed but not prepared.
The bottom line? Students today are consuming information they aren’t completely ready to handle. The adult part of their brain is still forming and isn’t ready to apply all that our society throws at it. Their mind takes it in and files it, but their will and emotions are not prepared to act on it in a healthy way. They can become paralyzed by all the content they consume. They want so much to be able to experience the world they’ve seen on websites or heard on podcasts, but don’t realize they are unprepared for that experience emotionally. They are truly in between a child and an adult. (This is the genius behind movie ratings and viewer discretion advisories on TV). I believe a healthy, mature student is one who has developed intellectually, volitionally, emotionally and spiritually. I also believe there are marks we can look for, as we coach them into maturity.
Signs to Look For
So what are the marks of maturity? We all love it when we see a young person who carries themselves well and shows signs of being mature. They interact with adults in an adult manner. Those kinds of students are downright refreshing. Let me give you a list of what I consider to be the marks of maturity. At “Growing Leaders” we seek to build these marks in young people, ages 16-24 as we partner with schools. This certainly isn’t an exhaustive list, but it is a list of characteristics I notice in young people who are unusually mature, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. If you are a parent—this is a good list of qualities to begin developing in your child. If you are a coach, or a teacher or a dean, these are the signs we wish every student possessed when they graduate. For that matter, these are signs I wish every adult modeled for the generation coming behind them.
1. They are able to keep long-term commitments.
One key signal of maturity is the ability to delay gratification. Part of this means a student is able to keep commitments even when they are no longer new or novel. They can commit to continue doing what is right even when they don’t feel like it.
2. They are unshaken by flattery or criticism.
As people mature, they sooner or later understand that nothing is as good as it seems and nothing is as bad as it seems. Mature people can receive compliments or criticism without letting it ruin them or sway them into a distorted view of themselves. They are secure in their identity.
3. They possess a spirit of humility.
Humility parallels maturity. Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself. It is thinking of yourself less. Mature people aren’t consumed with drawing attention to themselves. They see how others have contributed to their success and can even sincerely give honor to their Creator who gave them the talent. This is the opposite of arrogance.
4. Their decisions are based on character not feelings.
Mature people—students or adults—live by values. They have principles that guide their decisions. They are able to progress beyond merely reacting to life’s options, and be proactive as they live their life. Their character is master over their emotions.
5. They express gratitude consistently.
I have found the more I mature, the more grateful I am, for both big and little things. Immature children presume they deserve everything good that happens to them. Mature people see the big picture and realize how good they have it, compared to most of the world’s population.
6. They prioritize others before themselves.
A wise man once said: A mature person is one whose agenda revolves around others, not self. Certainly this can go to an extreme and be unhealthy, but I believe a pathway out of childishness is getting past your own desires and beginning to live to meet the needs of others less fortunate.
7. They seek wisdom before acting.
Finally, a mature person is teachable. They don’t presume they have all the answers. The wiser they get the more they realize they need more wisdom. They’re not ashamed of seeking counsel from adults (teachers, parents, coaches) or from God, in prayer. Only the wise seek wisdom.
Based on this list, are you mature?
---Tim Elmore
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Facing Suffering with Courage
"Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed" (1 Peter 4:12–13).
What kind of suffering have you faced and how have you faced it?
If you are like me you may have sometimes responded to difficulty with complaining, evasions, or near despair. But Christ calls each of us to face it with courage, trust, and hope, confident that as we share in his sufferings, we will one day share in his glory
Godbless you more each day ...
What kind of suffering have you faced and how have you faced it?
If you are like me you may have sometimes responded to difficulty with complaining, evasions, or near despair. But Christ calls each of us to face it with courage, trust, and hope, confident that as we share in his sufferings, we will one day share in his glory
Godbless you more each day ...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
As I WaLk ThRoUgH LiFe

As I WaLk ThRoUgH LiFe….
AS I walk through life, i understand a lot of things and God put in my heart that life is not a coincidence..but it is a reflection of YOU..in other words it’s the echo of life as we walk with the Lord(Testemony)..I really thank God for his Love that endureth forever, His grace and mercy that is new every morning,his PEACE that passes all understanding,great is thy faithfulness…
Today and the days to come I’m giving thanks for God’s overwhelming Generosity and faithfulness in my life,the scripture says..In everything give thanks,it’s been a trials,testings or even a blessings..praise his name and give thanks unto HIM.. After the WIN camp (Warrior Intercessors Network) and the second time ’round of encounter last November 24,2007.(hmmmm..everything works all together for good hehehe!!Valectorian po ako..) God spoke to my heart that it is through him that we have recieve grace,the unmerited favor..and let us promote obedience to the faith and make disciples for his name’s sake among all nations. Through Jesus,therefore, Let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise _ the fruit of lips that confess his name.."praise God…
Everything in my life that flows out of love has come to me from God. Life that is good has been initiated by God. God has done everything to me, from a filty rugs to a spotless soul, His blessings are limitless, His love is endless. No one favored me more than God. He has removed every stain of my sin, He has cleansed all the defilement of my iniquity, and he has silenced every voice of condemnation that hung over my head. He has saved me, redeemed me, and justified me. All of God’s grace abounds towards me, all of Christ’s riches are made available to me, and all spiritual blessings are provided for me. In Christ, I have received the treasures that can never be taken away, the HOPE that can never fade away, and the LIFE that will never pass away.
As I walk with JESUS day by day, I will find that my thankfulness to Him is an ever-increasing symphony of praise, building into a lifelong cresendo of gratitude that flows from my heart to His. I who have so little,have recieved so much, because He has been so generous. There are so many riches that He has given to me; so many answers to prayer that He has granted to me; so many kindnesses that He has manifested to me; so many joys that He has provided for me; so many mercies that He has extended to me; so many benefits that He has showered upon me. Everything I have has come from Him, and that is the reason why my heart can be so greatful.
I thank Him today because- He formed me and made me. He has given me the breath of life. He has given me this day and the days ahead. He is working in me to become all that He has intended me to be. He has working everything in my life together for the good. He is using my defficulties and trials to conform me to his image and strengthen me of my faith that in any cercumstances in life i have joy and peace deep within me because i know that he promisses that he wil never leave me nor foresake me.
I thank Him today for- the forgiveness of my sins. The peace that passes all underestanding. The smiles that have to my face because His joy in my heart. The comfort of His presence that has quieted my heart and calmed me. The hope that is in me because He has promised to always be with me. The place in heaven that He has reserved and has prepared for me. I thank Him today with- words of exaltation. Songs of celebration, a heart of strong devotion. Thoughts of deep reflection, Acts of admiration, clasp of loud ovation..I praise Him forevermore….he is awesome! marvelous!magnifecent! and nothing compares to Him. As I come back to surrender and intrust my life unto him he has given me the new robe, a robe of light and righteousness, a ring that significe, that He has given me the authority and inheritance and a shoes that significe to walk in his path of righteousness and to preach his good news to the poor(souls)…now ..my heart shout for joy and gladness and sings a hymn of praise unto his Holy name..hallilujah!!praise the Lord..God is LOVE….Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him" 1 John 4:16
to God be the Glory…
AS I walk through life, i understand a lot of things and God put in my heart that life is not a coincidence..but it is a reflection of YOU..in other words it’s the echo of life as we walk with the Lord(Testemony)..I really thank God for his Love that endureth forever, His grace and mercy that is new every morning,his PEACE that passes all understanding,great is thy faithfulness…
Today and the days to come I’m giving thanks for God’s overwhelming Generosity and faithfulness in my life,the scripture says..In everything give thanks,it’s been a trials,testings or even a blessings..praise his name and give thanks unto HIM.. After the WIN camp (Warrior Intercessors Network) and the second time ’round of encounter last November 24,2007.(hmmmm..everything works all together for good hehehe!!Valectorian po ako..) God spoke to my heart that it is through him that we have recieve grace,the unmerited favor..and let us promote obedience to the faith and make disciples for his name’s sake among all nations. Through Jesus,therefore, Let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise _ the fruit of lips that confess his name.."praise God…
Everything in my life that flows out of love has come to me from God. Life that is good has been initiated by God. God has done everything to me, from a filty rugs to a spotless soul, His blessings are limitless, His love is endless. No one favored me more than God. He has removed every stain of my sin, He has cleansed all the defilement of my iniquity, and he has silenced every voice of condemnation that hung over my head. He has saved me, redeemed me, and justified me. All of God’s grace abounds towards me, all of Christ’s riches are made available to me, and all spiritual blessings are provided for me. In Christ, I have received the treasures that can never be taken away, the HOPE that can never fade away, and the LIFE that will never pass away.
As I walk with JESUS day by day, I will find that my thankfulness to Him is an ever-increasing symphony of praise, building into a lifelong cresendo of gratitude that flows from my heart to His. I who have so little,have recieved so much, because He has been so generous. There are so many riches that He has given to me; so many answers to prayer that He has granted to me; so many kindnesses that He has manifested to me; so many joys that He has provided for me; so many mercies that He has extended to me; so many benefits that He has showered upon me. Everything I have has come from Him, and that is the reason why my heart can be so greatful.
I thank Him today because- He formed me and made me. He has given me the breath of life. He has given me this day and the days ahead. He is working in me to become all that He has intended me to be. He has working everything in my life together for the good. He is using my defficulties and trials to conform me to his image and strengthen me of my faith that in any cercumstances in life i have joy and peace deep within me because i know that he promisses that he wil never leave me nor foresake me.
I thank Him today for- the forgiveness of my sins. The peace that passes all underestanding. The smiles that have to my face because His joy in my heart. The comfort of His presence that has quieted my heart and calmed me. The hope that is in me because He has promised to always be with me. The place in heaven that He has reserved and has prepared for me. I thank Him today with- words of exaltation. Songs of celebration, a heart of strong devotion. Thoughts of deep reflection, Acts of admiration, clasp of loud ovation..I praise Him forevermore….he is awesome! marvelous!magnifecent! and nothing compares to Him. As I come back to surrender and intrust my life unto him he has given me the new robe, a robe of light and righteousness, a ring that significe, that He has given me the authority and inheritance and a shoes that significe to walk in his path of righteousness and to preach his good news to the poor(souls)…now ..my heart shout for joy and gladness and sings a hymn of praise unto his Holy name..hallilujah!!praise the Lord..God is LOVE….Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him" 1 John 4:16
to God be the Glory…
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
We ArE WiReD FoR GoD

Without forgiveness, our lives would be hopeless because our connection with God would be broken forever. Like buildings wired for electricity, we are "wired" for God. But sin breaks that connection. Without God's forgiveness, we would be like a city that has suddenly gone dark because of an irreparable break in its electrical grid. Because of God's great compassion and his desire to restore our vital connection to him, he graciously extends forgiveness to anyone who asks and who is also willing to extend it to others. In the New Testament, Paul views forgiveness not just as the removal of guilt for past sins but as deliverance from the power of sin itself. The primary Greek word in the New Testament for divine forgiveness is aphesis. It is the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ that brings forgiveness for all who belong to him.
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